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Friday, October 27, 2006

What is work study program

The work-study program is a student aid program that is funded by the federal government. The federal work-study program provides jobs for college student as a way for them to make money to pay for the education expenses.

These students are placed, if possible, in jobs that are related to their field of study. When I was involved in the program, most of the work-study jobs were on campus and were the type of jobs where you were able to study while you were working, making it a win-win situation for both the employee and the employer.

You will be paid at least the state minimum wage and sometimes more depending on the job. Keep in mind this is a government funding award and when you reach the amount you were awarded, you will be done working. The amount you are awarded depends on when you apply, your school s funding level and your need.

You must be paid a minimum of once a month and you can be paid either hourly or a salary depending on the type of job you are holding. Your income will be paid directly to you unless you specify otherwise.

You can be employed either off campus or on campus, although the biggest majority of the work-study jobs are positions offered through the university. Work-study jobs are also available through public agencies and private nonprofit organizations. Most off campus jobs are community based jobs. Your school may have agreements with other private for profit companies, but most of these jobs will be positions that are going to be in your chosen field of study.

One of the benefits of working through the federal work-study program is your work hours are scheduled around your class schedule and other school activities and your hours are usually part time to allow you time to complete studies outside of class work.

The federal work-study program is a great way to make some extra money for school. This program is normally used in conjunction with other programs for funding your education. The work-study program is never going to be enough to put you through school without additional funding.The work-study program will give you a good start towards your education and it will also give you a chance to see what it is like being out in the work force and it will give you a head start gaining work experience that you will need after you graduate.
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Marjorie Salada is the owner of a website that conatins information on>direct student loans, alternative student loans and student loan consolidation.

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